TED Talks | Multicam

Services Provided: Multicam & Mirror Booth

We have been providing TED with our services for a few years now, and each year they are always looking for the latest and greatest to wow their guests at their final party. This year, we provided two services.

Multicam – This service is always a hit, and we had lineups the whole night! Usually by this time of the conference, lots of connections have been made, so we took a lot of fun group shots.

We would help the guests by guiding through the process and explaining the best types of poses to do. After the session, guests headed over to the kiosk to download their videos right away!

This is a newer service that many guests have never seen before, so they were really intrigued by the experience and many came back to take more photos and try different poses.

The multicam was setup right beside the main stage so it was loud and busy all night. On the other side near the entrance was our other service.

Premium Mirror Booth – The theme was “house party”, and we had our premium mirror booth positioned in the “closet” area for guests to take digital full body photos.

The sleekness of the premium mirror booth helped us to tuck the booth into an area that had a lot of heavy foot traffic.

Let's work together!
